Sunday, January 21, 2007

week#1 failure

Doesn't it always seem that car failure always occurs when things are already going bad? Or when you're already late? Car failure is a type of failure a lot of people have come in contact with. Whether it be your battery dying, your car overheating or your brakes failing you when the car in front of you comes to a complete stop.


Kim said...

I like how you took the word failure and applied it to something that happens to people every day. It seems like car failure can make a good day....horrible. Especially if we are supposed to be at school at a certain time and if we're late, we will get locked out. That's always fun when we have to walk to school because our car fails to work. Good job.

Priscilla said...

I love the idea of failure being something as an everyday occurance instead of something dramatic as one's life. You really showed what failure can be besides not having money. I like it.

Sam said...

I like the fact that you've brought in the prismacolor markers to add some grey tone to the image, I think this one has a nice style to it and that you're getting the idea across with it.