Sunday, January 21, 2007

Week #2 Product Analysis

This Thrify Made can of spaghetti really gets me. I understand that they are trying to emphasize that there is spaghetti in the can, as opposed to…let’s say, peas but come on. The can is placed right next to Campbell’s spaghettios, which are full of life, excitement, and color. The ThrifyMade can has no chance.I also took a broader picture of this shelf and I noticed that the Campbell’s cans have mostly white with the illustrated picture of spaghetti, while all of the ThriftyMade cans are mostly red. I don’t think this is a problem, because red is a color that stands out to the eye. I think our problem here is the type, for one, which is aligned on the can with no jazz or emphasis. The Campbell’s can has type that pops out, along with the picture popping out. This can almost says “grab me”. While the ThriftyMade can says, “well, you can grab me if you want…but I’m really not that good.” Oh, I might also mention the beautiful gradient on the ThriftyMade can. Oh wait, did I say beautiful? Although we are not fond of gradients as graphic designers, there are still ways to make it work. I just believe that in this instance, the gradient from dark dark red to light red is too much of a contrast.


Alex Olson said...

Winn-Dixie seems overly fond of slapping a photo of the product on the label. The design on everything just seems lazy. Like, they cut out pieces of everything that had to go on the can and threw them down, then arranged them like a puzzle. Boring.

Stella said...

What is going on with the gradients? Ugghhh! I picked up a can of their Sliced Carrots and it's strikingly similar to your spaghetti...only with a green background of course...hmmm....wonder why...

What Alex said makes perfect sense! It looks like they just cut pictures out and pasted them on different colored gradient backgrounds!

RYAN said...

I agree, they are very slap happy with images that do not match. I have decided that we should all contact Winn Dixie and tell them they need help with their "Thrifty" brand. Has anyone noticed that some of the type on their labels has DROP SHADOWS!?? QUICK we must have an intervention!!! Friends don't let friends drop shadow!!!!