Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I love the graphics here, it reminds me of a Soviet cartoon that I grew up watching in Cuba, also, the combination of typefaces is really dynamic and clean.


I'm all about this kind of design, I wish everything in the media business has a little FUNK in it!

I like this advertisement because the perfume is called princess which is something that young girls play at. Perfume and the crown and jewels are all part of the dress up and even the text looks as if someone took a pen and drew/wrote on the ad.

DVD Packaging

In light of the project due this week, I decided to take a look at a modern art form: the DVD package. This is one of my favorites: the classic Transformers cartoon.
The outside of the package has the classic logo, which immediately grabs the target audience. I'm not sure what's going on w/ the logo there, but I guess it's a different take on a familiar object. Overall though, the foil print and logo use make a nice marriage of classic elements and modern design.
Inside it's straight to the classic goodness. We have action shots that look like they're straight out of the show, complete w/ the familiar coloring errors and stretch/squash common to US-drawn 80s cartoons. It's obvious by the care put into the rest of the packaging that this is deliberately unrefined. There's no mistaking what awaits on the DVDs w/ imagery like this adoring the interior packaging!
I like this setup overall because it freshens the look to grab consumers' attention, but makes no bones about what's inside once opened up - a much better approach than overselling the product inside.

crazy floor

I think this floor would be a great addition to a party. I can't really imagine coming home and seeing it every night, because it is a little obnoxious. But it definately has an interesting form and I think the concept is unique and interesting.

Form and Space

What caught my attention about this piece is that I tried to do something with this shape in this Form and Space class. With a dolphin in mind I created a tale format made of fome. Maybe the artist Ynagi had the same inspiration of a dolphin or a whale. It is lithe the tale of the fish is hanging out of the water. This object itself I do not know what it is. It could be a table or a chair. The edges of this object are also very smooth like a whale skin would be. I like the way shapes play light and also the use of negative space in the middle.

Monday, December 10, 2007

This design sculpture has a very vintage look. The way they are palnted out there seems to me that they have some sort of importance. If you look closely there seem to be objects posted to the cylinder part of the sculptures.

This is a good example of perspective and use of space in photography. The bridge almost looks like a small monument. This design element shows pretty good brown to greenish yellow values through out the photo.

Lay Out design, with a Interior touch

This is a great combination of interior design and color harmony. This piece has great coordination and nothing sticks out in the picture. It all has a smooth warm look.

form & space.....

Okay the image cannot be posted because google is.... tempermental.
anywho, I shall explain in full detail of what the image is..

There is a base present in the object.. a pole/stick roughly about 5 inches long... the stick has a rubber substance around it. After 5 inches the stick meets up with a medal-ness... not sure what the medal is for.. but okay. (the medal is about... 1 inch long. and gold plated).

the end of the 1 inch medal thing (that surly has an undefined purpose) connects to a roung medal (gold platted) circle... with glass on the inside.. this glass is not ordinary glass...... it has a purpose.
to magnify.

this is a magnify-ing glass.
the form is simple, non complex, and slightly comfortable to hold.

what can apear to be empty space but is actually a piece of glass that magnifies is very attractive due to the fact that the picture through it always changes... its all a matter of where you point it.
the end

Ski Jump by Zaha Hadid Architects

Bergisel Ski Jump 2002
Bergisel Mountain, Austria

"The Ski Jump is a concise piece of functional design, an instrument for high performance sport, shaped with mathematical precision. The challenge here was to integrate a new, initially alien element into a given formula: The cafŽ and Sundeck. The assemblage of elements was resolved in the manner of nature, developing a seamless hybrid, where parts are smoothly articulated and fused into an organic unity. The result is a rather unusual silhouette on Bergisel."
Zaha Hadid

The shape of it is just so beautiful... even if it didn't have a purpose, it would be a stunning sculpture.

"Cavallo Mustang" Scultpure

Life size stallion rearing, Barbed Wire, Rusted
entrance to Cavallo Estates, Eagle, ID by Bernie Jestrabek-Hart.

You've really gotta love wire sculpture to do this.

Form & Space - The iMac

Technology housing keeps getting smaller and smaller... how do they fit it all in here? This company is the leader in integrating form and function (in my opinion).
• Processor up to 2.8GHz
• Memory up to 4GB
• Hard drive up to 1TB


This ad is just cool. Great use of text to deliver a message. The layout overall is sized just right. It's also a label people are familiar with so it quickly grabs the attention of its readers. Happy Holidays!