Thursday, August 2, 2007

Week 2: magazine cover

This represents the typical magazine cover: way too many different colors and sizes of text all crammed in together.

I like the picture but I don't know which headline to look at first, it's so confusing.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I chose this particular layout because I like the colors and strong but simple graphic background. Another thing I think that is working here is the use of repetition in the format, size, and color of the text boxes. This was a monthly feature in YRB magazine.
- Will Mullady

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

This is ¼ of a full-page newspaper ad for a liquor store. The ad is unbelievably complex and very hard to read. There are too many different font sizes and they all seem to blend together. It seems like they tried to fit too much information into too small of an area. In certain areas the background and font colors are reversed in an attempt to highlight certain items, but it only serves to further complicate the layout and make it harder to read.