Sunday, January 21, 2007

Week #2- Hunger

Ok, so how many times have you just been minding your own business walking down the street and out of nowhere, you hear this growling sound? You look to your side and see a gargantuous dog glaring you up and down. The dog is growling, holding a bone in his mouth, and drooling. So you think to yourself, “wow, if this dog doesn’t like the bone he’s about to chow down on, I think he’s going to chow down on me.” Come on now, this happens to you all the time, doesn’t it? Well, maybe it doesn’t. But it does explain my point for the reason I chose a dog with a bone in its mouth for the word “hunger”. He is guarding that bone with his life. He feels that if someone takes that bone, he will starve to death. This is what hunger is all about in my eyes.


Priscilla said...

The idea of a hungry dog is a great concept. What better way to illustrate hunger than to show nature at it's most primal, a hungry animal. I love it.

Sam said...

I like the style you've drawn this one in. You've got some negative space in the dog itself and yet clear what you've drawn. Well done.