Sunday, January 28, 2007

Package Design week 3 bad packaging

Ok the product being displayed here in between two very well known brands is Ken's salad dressing. Just by looking at the containers from first glance it's rather difficult to know unless you see the color of the liquid just what flavor it is. The pictures on the other brands such as the caesars bottle on the top row to the left help you immediately know it's caesar dressing. The color scheme on these bottles is totally uncreative and they look like cheap generic brands. The illustrations and even golds colors on the other brands on the left makes them seem like they are a higher quality brand. I'm not sure either on the two different colors on the front of the bottle it consusing. In comparison the others pretty much have a single band of color to distinguish the different flavors. I don't know if im the only one whose noticed but the generic brands often times are placed in the middle of sections in between the more well known brands.


Kim said...

Yes I would have to agree with you. I looked at the larger picture and was amazed of the colors they use on their bottles. They use pastel colors and not even great combinations of pastel colors.

RYAN said...

Salad dressings are hard to judge sometimes, some are way over done. This one just is way too horrible, i hate the color usage. Even paul newmans dressing next to it is horrilble, enough with the face paul.