Monday, January 29, 2007

Birth and Death

These represent Birth and Death. I had the idea that when we are born we are tagged with the hospital bracelet. It says our name and birthdate and the hospitals imformation. When we die, we are also tagged. Although the image of the toe tag may be a bit morbid, I think it gets the idea across of birth and death in striking manner. After doing the illustration I began to wonder if they put our birth date on our toe tags. Just a thought.


Sherrielb86 said...

Very nice, detailed illustrations. I like the concept of the different tags.

Kim said...

I felt like I had already done enough commenting, but when I saw this drawing I felt compelled to comment. I think it is a brilliant idea to illustrate the braclet they put on a newborn's hand.

grantgun said...

i did not know it was a newborn hand at first. mabe if it if showed the baby fat and smaller fingers. but other than that the illustration is great, you can easily tell the foot is for death.

jenn said...

wow. those are awesome illustrations, looks like you took a lot of time on these.

@rtandlyfe said...

i agree with grantgun..the illustrations should of showed the baby fat and the smaller fingers or showed a lil more of the baby but the shading is on point