Sunday, January 28, 2007

Package Design week 3 GOOD PACKAGING

Here is a simple me too type of product which is something we all use or HAVE to use for that matter. The nice touch though was how it uses the colors to seem natural and almost seems like it would be softer compared to the brand right next to it by publix. The darker paper color helps it and also the name and typeface is very subtle but appropiate for the product being sold in my opinion. Green/Wise so your making a wise descision by buying recycled paper products and also cleaning yourself up naturally. Now publix makes a decent package too but the darker green and darker hue of the white is less harsh and on top of that when i was standing there attempting to not look suspicious i snapped a photo and then while being in that isle two people picked up the product and walked away with it. I asked them why they chose it and they said of course it's cheaper but mostly because it's recycled product. They both said they liked the package too. the package right above is very bright colors and makes you think your buying junk food for your kids.

1 comment:

RYAN said...

I love publix's designs for their labels, I bought their raisin bran the other day because their box was better than the competition LOL.