Sunday, February 4, 2007

Package Design Good Packaging Example WEEK 4

The product i want to post on which was a great standout package design (in my opinion) was in the cat food section. No, i don't eat it it's for my cat in case you were wondering.. It's the wet food and also the dry food. The pciture i will post is for the dry food. Simply put it completely caught my eye when i walked into the section and immediately i could recognize it. I don't usually do this sort of shopping but i still found the product quickly and ended up buying it.
Packaging is a very bright yellow and even the wet food next to it matches nicely. It's almost TOO BRIGHT and eye catching but then again it works. Every different flavor and such is color coded and well labeled the way it sits on the shelf. Input is gladly accepted!


RYAN said...

I agree Pedigree has a very recognizable label and packaging system. The design is nicely done and because it is so recognizable it was the brand I always went to when I had a dog, gotta love those 20 punder bags of kibble!

Kim said...

I agree. The bright yellow is rather "bright" but then again, it catches your eye. Even if you are a pedigree fan, you will know exactly where your packages are even by standing at the end of the lane.