Thursday, April 24, 2008


This is a sculpture that was designed by an artist on the concept art blog. I’ve always enjoyed the artwork of this group. This piece of work caught my eye because of its comic book-like features. It looks like something straight out of animation. Not only that but it’s also life-sized. The character itself “minyak” was inspired from an old folklore tale of an ugly creature who makes a deal with the devil to become good looking. But in order to become good-looking he must rape several virgins. The catch is, once he became good looking, every time the devil needed him to do his dirty work again he would turn him back into the same ugly disfigured creature again. I don’t know where this artist found such a tale, but he sure did a great job re-creating this character. The pieces were shaped and added rather than subtracted from a huge mold. He used thick wires for the skeleton of the piece. It looks like he used some sort of block putty or soft ceramic material.

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