Thursday, September 20, 2007

Type is lost in the abyss

This layout is from a CD. I like the lines created by the crowd and the goofy brush strokes, however I think that the type is too easily lost in the confines of the design. This totally bums me out. _Chris Rambo


Drake79 said...
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Drake79 said...

I think it works to isolate and empahsize the text by setting it off to the side, which then complements the imagery rather than vying for visual dominance. I don't like the text falling over the circle, though. It's a little difficult to read, and the softness of the drop shadow isn't found anywhere else in the design.

Terena Ribeiro said...

I like simple designs, the fact that in this layout there are only two colors and the images are made only out of shapes I think is great. The written part, on the oder hand, does get lost a little maybe because is too thin.