I was looking through the Mountain Dew website and stumbled across bottles just like this. Being that Mountain Dew bottles are so easily recognized, this is a nice change of an old product, though I’ve never seen something like this on the shelves. I don’t know if the point is to collect them, but something like this would make me assume the company is sponsoring something and they’re using this label to catch your eye so you are enticed to buy a product you’ve known for so long. I feel like this type of packaging would be very effective for maybe a breast cancer “For the Cure” type fundraiser. They could design water bottles or something women are likely to drink on a regular basis, slap the phrase, “Drink for the Cure” and so many women would be enticed to buy the new product.
I'm not sure this change in the Mountain Dew bottle would make me even notice it, let alone want to buy it. I think it's an interesting change, but too busy and cluttered for me.
I saw these bottles on a tv ad..I think the idea is so neat!! It is a whole art series that mountain dew is doing. The graphics on the bottles are awesome. I don't think I would collect them, but it would definately make me want to buy the product.
These are cool!! It's so easy to change the look of the package just by adding a plastic sleeve. Brilliant!!
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