I like this object because it is cool to look at. Like how the numbers in the inside are numbers that you normally wouldn't see shown in a watch. And how it has crystals that move in the inside of the watch. I like how in the inside of each heart it is carved to make a texture in the inside of it. It matches with the big heart. I wish it was more shinier because it looks dull but thats because it is used. It looks small which is interesting to me because it must of took a lot of work to make all the details and textures with in the watch and the band it self. I do not like how the band is made up of square links though. With it being a watch that is a heart that woman would wear it looks in a way too structured like a man's watch would. I rather see this object be more smooth and less block looking. Other than that I think that this object is pretty interesting because you are left with the unknown in a way with it just from looking at it in a picture. Because you don't know if it is heavy or light, etc...
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