Holy Cow! I think I may have figured out how to post a picture!! hopefully this works! This picture should be my Check vs. the crappy rootbeer label.
Considering that this photo shows two "generic" brands of rootbeer on the shelf, Chek's Rootbeer is more well known. However, the horribly designed Winn Dixie brand rootbeer makes the "generic" Chek rootbeer look like a name brand product. The Crap Brand, as it shall be named, lacks a "logo", if the white circular blob is supposed to be that, well it needs to be redesigned. It lacks the "POP!!" factor that the Chek brand has. Poor use of color and layout for the graphical elements also helps to deem this brand as CRAP. The typeface is set in all caps, which as we all know is hard to read. While walking down the aile it could be known that Chek and other rootbeers are in fact- rootbeers. This brand, because of the horribly stroked outlines and all caps, looked more like a bottle of "old style" motor oil than something that I would want to drink!
(Well, I hope this is kind of the response you were looking for in this blog, if there needs to more let me know!
--Ryan Smyser
winn dixie needs a graphic designer in my opinion...
...good comparison, i hate store brands haha
I would have to agree. That "crap" brand as you would call it has nothing on the Chek bottle. I'm sure you will be able to make a wonderful rendition on this.
I can't wait to see what you do with this. Because it is so plain you can go any way you want with it. I wonder...can you rename the product or no? I don't think the name really goes with root beer, more like just beer.
WoW! That's some HORRID Root Beer! That's lots of crap there, dahlin! :) I'm sure your new design is going to be a thousand times better. Or at least...I really hope so! :P Just kidding! Ha ha ha!
Now, make me want that root beer, girly! :D
Winn dixe is in crying need for HELP iN the design department. Alot of there brand are very sad.
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